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Generative IA

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Concept: Generative AI is a technology that can create new content, like images, text, or music, based on existing data. Impact: Generative AI is revolutionizing how we work by automating repetitive tasks and allowing us to focus on more creative and strategic aspects. Here are some specific examples:

  1. Easier content creation (text, music, images)
  2. Faster access to information
  3. Design assistance
  4. Automation of repetitive tasks

Differents types of generative IA

Understanding how Generative AI works

[Example of generic AI generative architecture - High Level]

Using Generative AI Models for Content Creation

Generative AI Models: The core element, a set of algorithms trained on specific data to create new content.

User Access Levels:

Main models

Text to image applications

[Example image Wikipedia]

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

VAE and Anomaly Detection

Future predictions

The Future of Jobs

  1. Impact on Job Market: The discussion highlights the inevitability of changes in the job market as a result of advanced technologies like generative AI. It emphasizes that while certain jobs may become obsolete, new opportunities will emerge, as has been the case throughout history.

  2. Historical Examples: Examples such as the transition from knocker uppers to alarm clocks and the disappearance of switchboard operator jobs with the advent of automated telephone exchange systems are few changes that we had pass throught. These examples illustrate how technological advancements have reshaped the job landscape in the past.

  3. Automation of Repetitive Tasks: The potential for automation of tasks that are repetitive, dirty, dull, dangerous, or difficult (the four D’s) through generative AI. This automation would free up human resources to focus on more human-centric skills such as creativity, problem-solving, empathy, and leadership.

  4. Role of Humans in Generative AI Companies: Despite the use of generative AI technology, companies in this space still heavily rely on human involvement across various roles including developers, artists, customer relations, project managers, writers, creative directors, and producers.

  5. Liberation and Creativity: The generative AI revolution will liberate individuals from mundane tasks, enabling them to become creators in their own right. The barriers to creative expression will diminish, allowing for the simplification and democratization of creative production tools.

  6. Emphasis on Human Skills: The importance of strengthening unique personal emotional skills that computers cannot replicate. Skills like creativity, empathy, problem-solving, and leadership are highlighted as essential for success in the future job market.

  7. Advice for Individuals: Invest in expanding their consciousness, understanding their uniqueness, and honing their interpersonal, emotional, and creative skills to thrive in the evolving job landscape.

These topics collectively paint a picture of a future where generative AI plays a significant role in reshaping the job market, while emphasizing the continued importance of uniquely human skills and creativity.

Moral and executive skill set required to work with GenAI

  1. Caution and Quality Control: Leaders and executives should approach generative AI tools with caution, consistently assessing whether the generated results meet quality and satisfaction standards. Just because AI generates content doesn’t guarantee its greatness or readiness for final use.

  2. Moral Compass and Responsibility: It’s crucial for founders and executives in generative AI companies to prioritize transparency, fairness, empathy, and responsibility. Establishing an ethical foundation within the organization through boards or councils ensures alignment with ethical principles.

  3. Ethical Guidance and Education: Providing ethical guidance and education to all employees on effectively using generative AI tools helps overcome fears, challenges, and biases. As technology evolves, understanding the distinction between human and AI-generated content becomes increasingly important.

  4. Human-Centered Approach: Maintaining human consciousness at the center of generative AI companies and solutions ensures human decision-makers remain in control. This approach aligns content with company values and goals, serving the betterment of humanity.

  5. Understanding Capabilities and Limitations: Deepening the team’s understanding of generative AI capabilities and limitations helps mitigate risks associated with blind reliance on AI decision-making. Striking a balance between leveraging AI to enhance creativity and maintaining human oversight is essential.

Caution when working with generative AI

  1. Human Superiority Complex: The greatest bias in AI is not based on race, ethnicity, or gender, but rather on humans’ inferiority complex. Placing AI on a pedestal above humans or viewing humans as incapable beings can lead to skewed perceptions of AI’s role and capabilities.

  2. Emphasis on Human Creativity and Decision-Making: Despite popular headlines suggesting otherwise, it’s crucial to recognize that humans are the architects behind AI algorithms and oversee their implementation. Highlighting the central role of human creativity and decision-making in the process is essential.

  3. Risk of Dehumanization: Overemphasis on AI and technology in storytelling workflows risks dehumanizing the creative process and may lead to the elimination of human jobs in the future. Instead, the focus should be on highlighting humans’ integral role in AI creation and utilization.

  4. Correction of Collective Sentiments: Despite common phrases attributing achievements to AI, efforts should be made to center actions and self-expression around humans. Acknowledging that humans create art using generative AI tools and collaborate to advance human-benefiting technologies is essential.

  5. Modeling Tools after Humans: Designing AI tools to mirror human judgment and capabilities necessitates addressing human insecurities and limitations. Approaching AI as a tool to augment and empower humans rather than compete or replace them is crucial for creating AI systems that contribute positively to humanity’s progress.
