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Emotional Intelligence


Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to be aware of your emotions and triggers, manage your emotional responses positively, understand what’s going on around you, and use that information to build strong relationships.

Quadrants of EQ

1. Being Self-Aware


Managing your Mindset

Finding your Flow

**Exercise**: Which are you flow activities?

2. Managing Your Self

Disrupting thoughts and emotional intelligence

The ABCDE model from cognitive behavioral coaching methodology, is a step-by-step process to manage challenges and emotions:

Take importance of being objective when describing the event and considering your beliefs about it. The goal is to disrupt negative or unhelpful beliefs and observe the effect of this change on the situation.

Dealing with stressful situations

Shift perspective to shape behavior

3. Social Awareness

Looking past empathy: Connecting with perspective

Listen to improve social awareness

4. Managing Relationships

Authentic adaptability

EQ and positive conflict management

Communicate intention and impact