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Notes on user Stories


What is a User Story?

User stories were created to be “placeholders for a conversation.” They allow us to defer detailed analysis until we’re confident that the behaviour they describe actually needs to be developed. They represent VALUE for the users.

User stories are a core practice in Agile methodologies, used to capture and describe features from the perspective of the end user. They provide a concise and clear way to understand what the user needs and why it’s important, promoting collaboration and focus within development teams.

key uses of user stories

Characteristics of good user stories (INVEST)

Examples of simple user stories (post-its)

As a customer, I want to be able to search for products by name so that I can easily find what I’m looking for.

As a website administrator, I want to be able to add new products to the website so that I can keep my inventory up-to-date.

As a mobile app user, I want to be able to track my order status so that I know when my package will arrive.

Anatomy of user stories

User stories consist of key components that provide a clear picture of the desired functionality. The essential parts of a user story:

  1. The User (Actor): This identifies the individual who will benefit from the feature. It can be a specific user role (e.g., administrator, customer) or a user persona representing a target user group.

  2. The Goal (Action): This describes what the user wants to achieve with the feature. Focus on the action the user performs (e.g., “I want to search for products by category”).

  3. The Benefit (Why): This explains the motivation behind the user’s goal. It highlights the value the user gets by completing the action (e.g., “So that I can easily find the items I’m looking for”).

These three components form the core structure of a user story, often phrased as: “As a [User], I want to [Goal] so that [Benefit].”

Optionally, user stories can also include:

  1. Acceptance Criteria: This acts as a checklist outlining the specific conditions that must be met for the feature to be considered successful. These criteria ensure everyone agrees on what “done” looks like (e.g., “The search results should be paginated with 10 items per page”).

Gherkin, Cucumber and acceptance criterias

Gherkin is a domain-specific language (DSL) designed specifically to express software behavior in a natural, human-readable way. It focuses on describing what the system should do from the user’s perspective, making it easier for both technical and non-technical stakeholders to understand the acceptance criteria.

Here’s how Gherkin is associated with Cucumber:

Why are Gherkin and Cucumber useful for acceptance criteria?

In essence, Gherkin provides a structured and collaborative way to define acceptance criteria in a language everyone understands. This improves clarity, promotes BDD principles, and lays the groundwork for potential test automation.

User story slicing

User stories can sometimes be too large and complex to be developed in a single sprint. In this case, they can be sliced into smaller, more manageable stories. Slicing should be done vertically, meaning that each slice should include all of the layers of functionality needed to deliver a complete piece of value to the user.

Here are some benefits of slicing user stories:
