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Getting Started In Spring Development

This are the notes for the 6 courses Specialization PATH on Linkedin Learning.

Table of Content

  1. Learning Spring with Spring Boot
  2. Creating your First Spring Boot Microservice
  3. Extending, Securing and Dockerizing Spring Boot Microservices
  4. Spring DATA
  5. Spring Security
  6. Building Full-Stack Apps with React and Spring

01. Learning Spring with Spring Boot

The Spring framework is built and designed such that it provides comprehensive support for developing applications for the JVM, including abstractions for some of the most powerful and common enterprise systems integrations, specifically around common infrastructure.

Spring essentially is designed to provide the plumbing for using these enterprise offerings and common components used in both internet and enterprise application development. This plumbing allows you to easily consume these offerings while focusing on your business logic, instead of the copy paste scaffolding code to use these integrations that many developers rely on.

Spring is designed using solid Object Oriented Programming practices and its style promotes you to do the same thing when consuming the framework. Things like coding to an interface, instead of an implementation are paramount in Spring.

Now, back to the plumbing idea, Spring promotes Don't Repeat Yourself or DRY principles by leveraging the powerful abstractions of the framework instead of rebuilding the scaffolding over and over again, you reduce your risk of copy paste errors, and instead focus on the actual needs of your application.

POJO or Plain old Java Object. In Spring, this is any class file that contains both attributes and methods. And those methods are not just getters and setters. This is a common deviation for many Java developers who often concern the concept of POJO with Java Beans. In the Spring world we take the more correct definition of a POJO.

Java Beans. These two are POJOs in practice, but they’re only methods are accessor methods, often called getters and setters. This definition is heavily used when using EJBs, for instance. Spring Beans, however, are POJOs that are configured and managed by the application context.

DTOs, or Data Transfer Objects are Java Beans with the specific purpose of moving state between logical layers of your application. There are times when you don’t want to expose the details of your working classes and instead translate to a DTO, which often is written as an immutable object before setting the state data out of the logical layer.

Inversion of Control is a central pattern to the Spring framework and, in fact, much of Spring is built around the central design pattern. It can be said that if you fully understand how Spring utilizes IoC, you understand Spring fully. Inversion of Control provides a mechanism for dependency injection, however, it’s more than just dependency injection because with Spring’s use of Inversion of Control, the framework itself controls all operations of the lifecycle of those dependencies, not just the injection.

The Application Context wraps the Bean Factory, which is the Inversion of Control container itself. The Bean Factory serves the Beans during runtime of your application. Now we, as users and developers, never really interact with the IoC container itself. Instead we interact with its wrapper or the application context. There are several implementations of the application context itself.

One of the most powerful aspects of Spring Boot is that it provides auto-configuration of the application context so that you, as the developer, can leverage simple properties and conventions to configure the Beans loaded into the Bean Factory and used by the IoC container.

More information in: spring_framework_notes


Here are some additional points to note:

Data Access

For testing purposes you can use embedded database such as H2 o if you are in production, a remote database. Everything can be easy configure thought properties in Spring Data.

Service Tier

IoC (inversion of control)

API and Controllers

Exposing REST endpoints

02. Creating your First Spring Boot Microservice

03. Extending, Securing and Dockerizing Spring Boot Microservices

04. Spring DATA

Repository Code

Link: This repo is for the Linkedin Learning course: Spring: Spring Data 2

Mission and modules

Hibernate eliminated manually mapping logical objects to physical databases, asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Also known as Ajax. Websites

spring data schema

More than an inversion of control framework, Spring now comprises a vast collection of enterprise solutions. One of the solutions is the Spring Data Project. Spring Data's mission is to provide a familiar, and consistent Spring-based programming model for data access while still retaining the special traits of the underlying data store.

Spring Data is actually an umbrella of several sub-projects. There are several modules, and they all specialize in various data sources, but they all depend on commons. Commons abstracts away from any particular data source. No matter which data source, the goal is always the same. Have a way to convert Java object entities into target data source records and persist them, as well as convert the records back to entities. It can create entities which are then persisted as records to the data store. It can look up data source records by citing the entity attributes. It can update data source records by updating the entity and finally, delete the data source records by deleting the entity.

The repository pattern is an abstraction that is used by Spring Data Commons to accomplish these goals. It is followed throughout the Spring Data Project for creating, reading, updating, and deleting records by citing entities. A module for a particular data source has a repository that extends from the base one. So for example, Spring Data JPA, has a JPA repository. Spring Data MongoDB has a Mongo repository. Spring Data GemFire has a GemFire repository, and so on. Spring Data JPA is the most popular module.

CRUD Repository and JPA Repository

In Spring Data, both CrudRepository and JpaRepository are interfaces that provide convenient methods for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on entities. However, there are subtle differences between them.

  1. CrudRepository Interface:

    • Role: This is the most basic repository interface in Spring Data.
    • Key Methods:
      • save(S entity): Saves the given entity.
      • findById(ID id): Retrieves an entity by its ID.
      • findAll(): Returns all entities.
      • deleteById(ID id): Deletes an entity by its ID.
    • Usage: Suitable for basic CRUD operations.
  2. JpaRepository Interface:

    • Extension of CrudRepository: JpaRepository extends CrudRepository and adds additional JPA-specific methods.
    • Key Methods (In addition to CrudRepository):
      • getOne(ID id): Returns a reference to the entity with the given identifier. (Lazily loaded)
      • findAll(Sort sort): Returns all entities sorted by the given options.
      • flush(): Flushes the persistence context, ensuring changes are synchronized with the database.
    • Usage: Preferred when working with JPA (Java Persistence API) as it provides JPA-specific features.

Key Differences:

Choosing Between Them:

But, beside all this, be aware of the Anti-Patterns: The Spring Data JPA findById Anti-Pattern - Vlad Mihalcea)

Property expression query methods

Query method refers to a method signature in a Spring Data repository interface that follows a specific naming convention. Spring Data uses these method names to automatically generate queries based on the method’s name, allowing you to perform database operations without writing explicit queries.

The naming convention for query methods is derived from the method name itself, and Spring Data JPA translates it into a corresponding SQL or JPQL query. This mechanism is often referred to as “query derivation.


Spring Data facilitates fast failure. Query methods are verified at Bootstrap. Fail Fast Here, course has not attributed named title. Spring Data throws a Spring Data query creation exception at startup. Without Spring Data, you would not know there was a syntax error until the query is actually invoked which is amazing.

Even is possible to add other clauses that are shown in the official documentation:

Spring Data Commons - Reference Documentation

Query-Annotated Method

One reason to use query annotation is to encouraged to use non-native queries, because they are verified at Bootstrap. Native queries are only verified when invoked.

Another reason to use @Query is that the query is just too complex for property expressions.

Native Query

Paging and Sorting

Paging and sorting are features that allow you to retrieve a subset of data from a larger dataset. These features are particularly useful when dealing with large result sets, as they enable efficient retrieval of only the necessary data.


Paging refers to dividing a large result set into smaller, manageable chunks or pages. It is useful when you don’t need to load the entire dataset at once but rather load it incrementally.

In Spring Data, paging and sorting are features that allow you to retrieve a subset of data from a larger dataset. These features are particularly useful when dealing with large result sets, as they enable efficient retrieval of only the necessary data.


Paging refers to dividing a large result set into smaller, manageable chunks or pages. It is useful when you don’t need to load the entire dataset at once but rather load it incrementally.

  1. Method Declaration:

    • To enable paging, your repository method should return a Page or Slice instead of a simple List.
    • You need to provide a Pageable parameter to your method.
     Page<User> findAll(Pageable pageable);
  2. Usage:

    • When invoking this method, you can create a PageRequest to specify the page number, the number of items per page (page size), and optional sorting.
     Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 10,"lastName").descending());      Page<User> resultPage = userRepository.findAll(pageable);

    In this example, the code fetches the first page with 10 items, sorted by the lastName attribute in descending order.

  3. Accessing Results:

    • The Page object contains information about the current page, total number of pages, total number of items, and the actual content.
     List<User> users = resultPage.getContent();


Sorting allows you to specify the order in which the data should be retrieved.

  1. Method Declaration:

    • To enable sorting, you can provide a Sort parameter to your repository method.
     List<User> findAll(Sort sort);
  2. Usage:

    • When invoking this method, you can create a Sort object to specify the sorting order.
     Sort sort ="lastName").descending(); 
     List<User> sortedUsers = userRepository.findAll(sort);

    In this example, the code fetches all users and sorts them by the lastName attribute in descending order.

  3. Combining with Paging:

    • You can combine paging and sorting by using a Pageable parameter that includes sorting information.
     Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 10,"lastName").descending()); 
     Page<User> resultPage = userRepository.findAll(pageable);

    This example fetches the first page with 10 items, sorted by the lastName attribute in descending order.

Spring Data automatically translates these method signatures into appropriate SQL queries, making it convenient for developers to work with paged and sorted data.


Specifications provide a way to define complex queries by encapsulating them in reusable components. Specifications are particularly useful when you need to dynamically build queries based on varying criteria. Spring Data JPA supports Specifications as a powerful abstraction for building queries.

public class DynamicQueryService {

    private CourseRepo courseRepo;

    public DynamicQueryService(CourseRepo courseRepo) {
        this.courseRepo = courseRepo;

    public List<Course> filterBySpecification(CourseFilter filter) {
        Specification<Course> courseSpecification =
                (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
                    List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
                    filter.getDepartment().ifPresent(d ->
                            predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("department"), d)));
                    filter.getCredits().ifPresent(c ->
                            predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("credits"), c)));
                    filter.getInstructor().ifPresent(i ->
                            predicates.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("instructor"), i)));
                    return criteriaBuilder.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));
        return courseRepo.findAll(courseSpecification);

Documentation on: Specifications :: Spring Data JPA


From the documentation: Querydsl - Unified Queries for Java is a framework that provides a type-safe and expressive DSL for building queries in Java. It allows developers to define queries using a fluent and statically-typed API rather than relying on string-based queries. QueryDSL is often used with JPA (Java Persistence API), Hibernate, and other database access technologies.

Key Features of QueryDSL:

  1. Type-Safe Queries:
    • QueryDSL uses a type-safe API, which means that queries are checked at compile time. This reduces the likelihood of runtime errors in the query construction process.
  2. Fluent API:
    • The API is designed to be fluent, making it easy to read and construct complex queries. QueryDSL leverages method chaining to create a concise and expressive syntax.
  3. Domain-Specific Language:
    • QueryDSL is designed to be a domain-specific language for querying databases. It provides a set of classes and methods that closely align with the concepts of SQL and database queries.
  4. Integration with JPA and Hibernate:
    • QueryDSL seamlessly integrates with JPA and Hibernate, allowing developers to use it in conjunction with these popular Java persistence technologies. It works with JPA entities and supports the JPA query language.
  5. Support for Different Query Types:
    • QueryDSL supports various types of queries, including SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries. It covers a broad range of use cases for interacting with relational databases.

How QueryDSL Works:

  1. Entity Mapping:

    • Define JPA entities that represent your data model. These entities are typically annotated with JPA annotations.

    javaCopy code

     @Entity public class User {
     @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)     
     private Long id;      
     private String firstName;     
     private String lastName;     
     // ... }
  2. QueryDSL Integration:

    • Include QueryDSL as a dependency in your project. For example, if you’re using Maven:

    xmlCopy code

  3. QueryDSL Annotation Processor:

    • Use the QueryDSL annotation processor to generate Q-classes. These Q-classes represent query entities and provide a statically-typed way to reference entity properties.
  4. Building Queries:

    • Use QueryDSL to construct queries using the generated Q-classes. The API allows you to build queries for various operations, such as filtering, sorting, and joining.

    javaCopy code

     QUser qUser = QUser.user; 
     List<User> users = queryFactory

    In this example, qUser.firstName.eq("John") represents a condition where the first name is equal to “John.”

  5. Executing Queries:

    • Execute the constructed queries using JPA or other database access technologies. QueryDSL provides the flexibility to work with different query execution mechanisms.

Query By Example

Query by Example (QBE) is a user-friendly querying technique with a simple interface. It allows dynamic query creation and does not require you to write queries that contain field names. In fact, Query by Example does not require you to write queries by using store-specific query languages at all.

Documentation: Query by Example :: Spring Data Relational

Key Concepts and How It Works:

  1. Example Entity:

    • You create an instance of the entity you want to query (the example entity). Set the properties with the values you want to use as filters for the query.
     User exampleUser = new User(); 
  2. ExampleMatcher:

    • Define an ExampleMatcher that specifies how the matching should be performed. The matcher allows you to configure options such as case sensitivity, string matching mode, and more.

    ```java ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching() .withIgnoreCase() .withMatcher(“firstName”, ExampleMatcher.GenericPropertyMatchers.startsWith())


    In this example, withIgnoreCase() makes the matching case-insensitive, and withMatcher configures specific matching criteria for individual properties.

  3. Example:

    • Create an Example object using the example entity and the matcher.
     Example<User> example = Example.of(exampleUser, matcher);
  4. Query Execution:

    • Use the Example object in a Spring Data repository method. Spring Data repositories provide methods like findAll(Example<T> example) that accept an Example as a parameter.
     List<User> result = userRepository.findAll(example);

    The repository method dynamically constructs a query based on the provided example, and it retrieves entities that match the specified criteria.


Let’s say you have a User entity:

public class User {
	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)     
	private Long id;      
	private String firstName;     
	private String lastName;     
	// getters and setters }

You can use Query by Example to find users with a specific first name and last name:

User exampleUser = new User(); exampleUser.setFirstName("John"); 
ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher
	.withMatcher("lastName", ExampleMatcher.GenericPropertyMatchers.endsWith());  
	Example<User> example = Example.of(exampleUser, matcher);  
	List<User> result = userRepository.findAll(example);

In this example, the query will find all users whose first name starts with “John” (case-insensitive) and last name ends with “Doe.”

Spring Data REST

Spring Data REST is part of the umbrella Spring Data project and makes it easy to build hypermedia-driven REST web services on top of Spring Data repositories.

Spring Data REST builds on top of Spring Data repositories, analyzes your application’s domain model and exposes hypermedia-driven HTTP resources for aggregates contained in the model.

As you can see, when Data Rest is configured, Spring add to the endpoints names an “s” to denote standard API notation.

Documentation: Spring Data REST

Projections in Spring Data REST

Projections in Spring Data REST allow you to shape the response of your API by defining a subset of the entity’s properties that should be included. This is particularly useful when you don’t need all the details of an entity and want to reduce the payload size.

To use projections, you define an interface that declares the subset of properties you want. The interface serves as a view on the entity.


Assuming you have an entity Person:

public class Person {     

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)     
	private Long id;          
	private String firstName;     
	private String lastName;     
	private int age;     
	// getters and setters }

You can create a projection interface like this:

@Projection(name = "simplePerson", types = Person.class) 
public interface SimplePersonProjection {     
	String getFirstName();     
	String getLastName(); 

Then, when you request the /persons endpoint, you can include the projection:

This response only includes the firstName and lastName properties, as defined in the SimplePersonProjection interface.

Non-blocking Spring Data reactive repositories

Reactive repositories are part of the Spring Data project that enables reactive programming support for interacting with databases. Traditional blocking database operations are replaced with reactive counterparts, allowing for more efficient handling of resources and scalability in applications.

Documentation: [Spring Reactive](
  1. Reactive Programming Model:

    • Non-blocking Spring Data reactive repositories leverage the reactive programming model. In a reactive system, components react to events and process them asynchronously. This is in contrast to the traditional imperative programming model where tasks are executed sequentially.
  2. WebFlux and Reactive Streams:

    • Spring’s WebFlux module, built on the Reactive Streams specification, provides the foundation for reactive programming in Spring. Reactive Streams define a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure.
  3. Reactive Database Drivers:

    • To support reactive interactions with databases, non-blocking Spring Data repositories use reactive database drivers. These drivers are designed to handle asynchronous, non-blocking communication with the database.
  4. Repository Interface:

    • Reactive repositories define interfaces that extend the ReactiveCrudRepository interface provided by Spring Data. This interface includes reactive methods for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
     public interface ReactivePersonRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Person, String> {     
         Mono<Person> findByLastName(String lastName); 

    In this example, ReactivePersonRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository and includes a reactive method to find a person by last name.

  5. Reactive Types:

    • Reactive repositories return reactive types such as Mono and Flux instead of blocking types like Optional or List. Mono represents a single value or an error, while Flux represents a stream of values.
  6. Asynchronous Execution:

    • When a reactive repository method is invoked, the operations are executed asynchronously, and the result is delivered through the reactive type. This allows the application to continue processing other tasks without waiting for the database operation to complete.
     Mono<Person> personMono = reactivePersonRepository.findByLastName("Doe");

    The findByLastName method returns a Mono<Person> that asynchronously retrieves a person with the specified last name.

  7. Integration with Reactive Web Framework:

    • Non-blocking Spring Data reactive repositories are often used in conjunction with Spring WebFlux to build end-to-end reactive applications. Reactive controllers handle requests asynchronously, and the entire application stack supports reactive principles.

05. Spring Security


Spring Security provides comprehensive support for authentication. Authentication is how we verify the identity of who is trying to access a particular resource. A common way to authenticate users is by requiring the user to enter a username and password. Once authentication is performed we know the identity and can perform authorization.

Process to determinate WHO (identify a principal), that even can be a human or a machine. For example, System-2-System calls.

Spring support:

Other support is for OpenID, Jasig CAS and JAAS, Kerberos and SAML.

Documentation: Authentication :: Spring Security


Process to determinate WHAT CAN DO a principal o also calling Access Control. Spring Security provides comprehensive support for authorization. Authorization is determining who is allowed to access a particular resource. Spring Security provides defense in depth by allowing for request based authorization and method based authorization.

Having established how users will authenticate, you also need to configure your application’s authorization rules.

The advanced authorization capabilities within Spring Security represent one of the most compelling reasons for its popularity. Irrespective of how you choose to authenticate (whether using a Spring Security-provided mechanism and provider or integrating with a container or other non-Spring Security authentication authority), the authorization services can be used within your application in a consistent and simple way.

Spring support:

Documentation: Authorization :: Spring Security

In-Memory Authentication (only for testing purposes)

Spring Security’s InMemoryUserDetailsManager implements UserDetailsService to provide support for username/password based authentication that is stored in memory. InMemoryUserDetailsManager provides management of UserDetails by implementing the UserDetailsManager interface. UserDetails-based authentication is used by Spring Security when it is configured to accept a username and password for authentication.

JDBC User Authentication

Spring Security’s JdbcDaoImpl implements UserDetailsService to provide support for username-and-password-based authentication that is retrieved by using JDBC. JdbcUserDetailsManager extends JdbcDaoImpl to provide management of UserDetails through the UserDetailsManager interface. UserDetails-based authentication is used by Spring Security when it is configured to accept a username/password for authentication.

Documentation: JDBC Authentication :: Spring Security

BCrypt (password encryption)

By default Spring will use BCrypt encryption/decryption mechanism and IMPORTANT: never store passwords in plain text and even, using algorithm like SHA-256 are no longer considered secure because can be decoded using Brutal Force attack.

Documentation: Password Storage :: Spring Security

Applying Authorization

Authorization is the process of determining what users are allowed to do. In this example, the application is only allowing users with the “user” role to view the “customers” and “/customers/**” pages. Users with the “admin” role are allowed to view all pages, including the “orders” page.

Key concepts:

Documentation: 15. Expression-Based Access Control (

Form-Based Authentication

Forms-based authentication (FBA) offers several advantages over basic authentication, including:

Key concepts:

Conclusion: FBA is a more secure and versatile authentication method than basic authentication. It is recommended for use in web applications that require a more user-friendly and customizable login experience.

LDAP Authentication

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a common authentication method for enterprise applications. It is lightweight, interoperable, and highly scalable. Spring Security LDAP provides full support for all native LDAP operations, including authentication and password-hashing.


Spring LDAP Core is a project that extends Spring Security to work with LDAP for purposes other than authentication. It provides a template pattern for LDAP, which allows you to query, search, create, update, and delete LDAP entries. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as employee onboarding, HR management, physical security, learning systems, and asset management.

Active Directory <> LDAP

Active Directory and LDAP are both directory services, but they are not the same thing. Active Directory is a more comprehensive service that provides a wider range of features, while LDAP is a lightweight directory access protocol that is used to access and manage directory services.


OAuth 2 and Spring Security

OAuth 2 is an authorization framework, not an authentication framework. It allows applications to access user data without having direct access to user credentials.

OAuth 2 involves multiple components: Resource owner (user), Client (application), Resource Server (website with protected data), Authorization Server (grants access tokens), Access Token (temporary token for access), Refresh Token (long-lived token for renewing access), Scopes (define the level of access granted).

Common use cases for OAuth 2: Third-party access (e.g., granting access to a Facebook profile), System-to-system communication, Securing web services between client and server.

Types of OAuth 2 grants: Authorization Code Grant (most common, used by social media), Implicit Grant (web and mobile apps), Client Credential Grant (system-to-system communication).

Documentation: Workflow of OAuth 2.0 - GeeksforGeeks

WebFlux Security (for Reactive spring)

WebFlux Security is an extension of the Spring Security framework specifically designed for reactive applications built using Spring WebFlux. It provides a comprehensive set of features for securing reactive web applications, including authentication, authorization, and more.

Authentication: WebFlux Security supports various authentication mechanisms, such as form-based authentication, basic authentication, and OpenID Connect. It also integrates with Spring Security’s built-in user details services for managing user accounts and authentication credentials.

Authorization: WebFlux Security enables fine-grained authorization control based on user roles, permissions, and access control lists (ACLs). It supports various authorization strategies, including URL-based authorization, method-level authorization, and reactive-style annotations.

Security Filters: WebFlux Security employs a chain of security filters to intercept and protect incoming requests. These filters handle tasks like authentication, authorization, CSRF protection, and header configuration.

Integration with Spring Security: WebFlux Security seamlessly integrates with the existing Spring Security infrastructure, enabling developers to reuse existing authentication and authorization configurations. It also integrates with other Spring Security features, such as session management, password encoding, and logging.

Key Features

06. Building Full-Stack Apps with React and Spring


  1. Introduction to Spring and SpringBoot
  2. Introduction to REACT:

Official Landing Page: React

  1. Introduction to REDUX (state management):
Official Landing Page: [Redux - A predictable state container for JavaScript apps. Redux](
  1. Introduction to JEST for testing purpose

Official Landing Page: Jest · 🃏 Delightful JavaScript Testing (

MVC: Model-View-Controller pattern

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is a widely used software design pattern that separates the application into three interconnected parts:

In a Spring and React application, the MVC pattern is implemented as follows:

The MVC pattern promotes code modularity and reusability, making it a popular choice for developing large-scale web applications. It separates concerns between the business logic, UI presentation, and user interactions, leading to maintainable and testable code.

In a Spring and React application, the separation between the MVC layers is achieved through well-defined communication mechanisms:

This separation of concerns and well-defined communication between the MVC layers make Spring and React applications highly maintainable and testable.

The tools used in this project are:

Materialize: Documentation - Materialize (

Adding components to the “client” side is straightforward, just select the component that you need, copy the code and customise as you need.